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Quarantine Readings

I don't have work now a days and can't go outside the home, we all are staying at home. So we're usi our phones whole day and studying little bit in a days.
But I'm shocked to see that my all room partners are asking me that 'Gullu can you suggest a book that i can read?'

In last 10-12 days they did lot of things with phones and more another things too but now they asked. I am also reading few books that I buyed before but didn't read that.
That all books are with me and waited till now to study. But now we all room partners are reading together that all books.

One more thing that I am watching videos and pictures of celebrities on social media, they are sharing pictures with books, they are making videos of poems.. I really felt happy.
This quarantine days make the people book lover.  I know they don't have any work to do and to using phones they tired a lot. After this all at least they all are started reading books thats really amazing.

There is a great guys in every families, He/she is book lovers, they buy books, and also most of people love to read books but did not get time to read due to work responsibilities of job and families but now a days in quarantine they are getting time a lot and using that time to read thier liked books.

In the first weeks of quarantine people did another things but after a while,, I am watching more and more pictures on social media that people are sharing pictures with books that is really good and I am enjoying and share love to them.

God bless and keep reading.

Happy reading.


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